Friday, June 2, 2017

Yoga Therapist

Image result for yoga therapistYoga Therapist
Duties and Responsibilities: Yoga Therapist are instructors that lead and motivate individuals or groups in exercise activities. They work with people of all ages and skill levels. They demonstrate how to perform exercises and routines. Give clients information or resources about nutrition, weight control, and lifestyle issues. They also watch clients do exercises, demonstrate or explain correct exercise techniques to improve fitness.
Salary: $40,970
Education:  All trainers and instructors at least need to have a high school diploma before becoming one. They are required to have an associate’s or bachelor’s degree related to a health or fitness field.
Demand or Need for this profession: The employment is predicted to grow 8 percent from 2014 to 2024.

Reflection: Yes, I would like to become one because the job description seems very interesting. For example you get to teach people how to be healthy and also you have to be a very relaxing person to pursue this job. Teaching people is like you need to take in charge and become a leader.

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement “ You will go far with CTR” ~Mr. Haymore I agree with the student success statement above. I agree because...